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Inspiration Corner

West Coast Swing has so much versatility and creativity. This page is to showcase of our favourite West Coast Swing dances from around the world by the best of the best.

Jack and Jill Dances are completely lead and follow. The dancers have no idea of the music, no idea who they have as a partner or any choreography. This is the part of West Coast Swing that is so magical, inspirational and what we spend our time perfecting.

Classic Routines are choreographed routines to set music, with a focus on west coast swing content.

Showcase Routines are choreographed routines which include lifts, drops and more weight bearing movements to allow for more creativity.

Grazy West Coast Swing Festival, Austria

How to Do the Sugar Tuck | Swing Dance

How to Do the Sugar Tuck | Swing Dance

Full Playlist: - - Watch more How to Swing Dance videos: The West Coast Swing Sugar Tuck. So it comes off of a sugar push where I would bring the ladies forward and then swing them back in the sugar push. The difference is going to be that my left hand comes up, walk, walk. Now you could do this as a touch step or a triple step. We could go touch then I'm going to... this is the tuck, I'm going to send her the other direction, step. She takes a triple to finish it. Triple step. So again, I go walk, walk, touch, step, triple step. You could take that as a triple. Walk, walk, triple step, triple step and the tuck still works. Off the sugar push I bring the ladies in, immediately lifting my left hand. Walk, walk, touch and/or triple, touch, step, triple step. Because my hand ends up over the top I need to finish this with an underarm turn. Walk, walk, triple step. And that fixes the hand. Stance magic, right? From here we have the sugar tuck. Walk, walk, tuck the ladies, triple step, finish with an underarm turn, triple step, triple step. That's a sugar tuck. Now, with a sugar tuck I can take my left hand up and she goes underneath. I could take my right hand up and she goes underneath. I could take both hands up and she goes underneath both hands and then I could do another sugar push where we split. There's all kinds of variations. If I take no hands up in the sugar tuck she does it as a free spin. Once you end the sugar tuck you immediately have four more moves. We're going to do it to music. It's a sugar push with a tuck turn and we call it a sugar tuck.
How to Do the Underarm Turn | Swing Dance

How to Do the Underarm Turn | Swing Dance

Full Playlist: - - Watch more How to Swing Dance videos: The West Coast Swing under arm turn, sometimes called the right side pass. We start from the open position. Nicola is going to take her two walking steps forward. Guys are going to step back and get out of the way. Let's show it to you, like this. Walk, walk, triple step, triple step, walk, walk, triple step, triple step. So I'm going to step back, leading the ladies forward, and then I'm going to cross over with my right foot, getting out of the way so she can stay and walk straight down her slot. Remember the lady has a slot in West Coast Swing. It goes back and forward. She takes walk, walk. I go back, cross. Walk, walk. Back, cross for me. We pass just like in East Coast Swing on the first triple. Triple step. We face each other for the second triple. Triple step. I end up with my right behind my left, her left is behind her right. Again, I go back, cross. She goes walk, walk. Pass on the first triple. Triple step. Then we take this other triple in place. Triple step. As we cross, as we pass each other on that first triple, make sure that you don't bring your feet together but that one foot actually crosses in front of the other. So as I go back, cross, my right foot stays crossing in front of my left. Her left foot stays crossing in front of her right. So we go triple (see how she's crossed in front?) step, triple step. So one more time. Walk, walk, triple step, triple step. And that's the under arm turn. We're going to try it to music. There's your under arm turn.
How to Do the Whip | Swing Dance

How to Do the Whip | Swing Dance

Full Playlist: - - Watch more How to Swing Dance videos: The West Coast Swing Whip, which is our first 8-count timing in West Coast Swing. The whip is walk, walk, triple, walk, walk, triple. If we just did that in place, I go left, she goes right, walk, walk, triple step, walk, walk, triple step. That's basic whip timing. What's going to happen on the walk, walk, I bring her in. I go back cross. She comes forward and starts to pivot. Walk, walk, that's 1, 2. By 2, I have her back with my right hand. My left hand is in a closed position, but on 3 and 4, I'm going to take 3 and, right in place, 3 and. I'm 90 degrees for the lady, 4, I step across, 4. Now we're offset of each other. Her shoulders and the middle of my chest, that's 4. On 5, I'm going to collect my foot underneath me as she turns, 5. That's the whipping effect, letting go, 6, 7, and 8. I'm going to pick her up on 2 and let her fly on 5. Pick her up on 2, let her go on 5. I have, walk, pick her up, walk, triple step, walk, walk, triple step. We'll do that from a different angle. Again, picking up the lady on count 2, leaders, I have walk, 2, that's 1, 2, 3 and I stay right here, 3 and. 4 moves across the slot, 4. As she comes forward. She's going to pass me, 5, 6, 7, and 8. On 3 and 4, Nicole is doing what's called a coaster step. That means back together forward. A coaster step is back, together, forward. She goes 1, 2, back, together, forward. She's forward on her right. I'm on my left. From here we go, 5, 6, 7, and 8. To music, it looks like this. There's your basic whip.
How to Do the Sugar Push | Swing Dance

How to Do the Sugar Push | Swing Dance

Full Playlist: - - Watch more How to Swing Dance videos: The West Coast Swing Sugar Push So remember that the West Coast Swing basic is walk, walk, triple step, triple step. East Coast Swing has a rock step, West Coast Swing has as walk walk. So, walk, walk, triple step, triple step. I start left, she starts right. The Sugar Push looks like this - walk, walk, triple step, triple step. So again, walk, walk, triple step, triple step. What's going to happen is I'm going to back up left right, she's going to come forward right left. I'm going to present my right hand. I might already have that right hand, but just in case I don't I'm going to present it. She's going to go walk, walk. On this first triple she's going to kind of slowly push into me a little bit and I'm going to absorb that weight or that energy. Triple, sending her back, step. Now I just kind of send her away from me. There's no need for me to take a big step towards her. Step, I let go of the right hand, we triple in place, triple step. Nicola will take her left foot and pull it behind her right as she finishes that pattern. So again, I go walk, walk, triple step, triple step. We'll do that from a different angle. I start left, she starts right. I bring her in, walk, walk. I take my triple kind of in place, triple, just stepping a little bit forward underneath myself, triple step. Then she's going to take her triple step, triple step. I really kind of think like behind and forward. So, we're going to go walk, walk, behind and forward, triple step. So we have a Sugar Push, like the ladies coming in to get a little bit of sugar, and then I send her away. That's walk, walk, triple, triple. That's your Sugar Push. We're going to do it to music. And there's your Sugar Push.
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Kevin and Aggie Town


Web Site Design © 2018 by Kevin and Aggie Dance Ltd | Logo Design by Adam Parker

Company no. 07900003 registered in England

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